Minnie Scarlet as Minnie K
Minnie Kenner started publicly going under the name Minnie K in 2008 after being bullied into the decision by her older sister, Paris K. Although Minnie remains the main breadwinner with the highest profile career in the Kenner/Kardash household, she is constantly trying ways to fit in & gain acceptance from her mom and sister, who just "don't get it". Her hobbies include: finding new ways to act out and reading Shakespeare. Cute, naive, and fucking bananas, don't let the size of this girl fool you. Most of her internalized anger will find it's way out somehow.
Paris Kennedy as Paris K
Paris Kardashian, born Morgan Kenner, changed her first name to Paris in 2004, and then her last name to Kardashian by 2008 stating, "Paris was just a phase... Kardashian is who I really am!" Unfortunately, her style suggests she's still stuck at 2007 Kardashian and isn't rich enough to be 2014 Kardashian. Paris describes herself as "a model, musician, entertainer," she goes on, "I'm also a huge inspiration." We would like to add "aspiring" to the beginning of all the titles she just previously named. Her hobbies include working to improve her life & move up professionally in the Kim K app. She is currently an A-list celebrity.
Tenere Williams as Leezy
Leezy has been named Time Magazine's Person of the Year, and with good reason. His musical career isn't the only thing impressive about him. He's the reason today's youth has started giving a shit again. To many, he's their religion. This environmental conscious rapper even grows all his own produce! His fatal flaw is that he is too nice. He can never resist helping people in anyway he can. Hence his current relationship to Paris... and not another hot celebrity that shares his status. He best describes himself as a "humanitarian on a different level". On weekends, you might find him gardening, attending poetry slams, or looking at himself in mirrors to relax.
Sally Mullins as Pris K
A failed Hollywood star who loved getting high before going to auditions, Priscilla Kenner found her reason to give up alcohol and pills when she had Paris at a young age. As Paris got older, Priscilla found herself with a new drug buddy, and a reason to start up again. All the rolling on Molly together early created a special bond that no one has been able to break, including daughter #2. Priscilla went ahead and changed her name to Pris K after Minnie did, stating it would make them "more of a family". She denies rumors that she gave herself the nickname 'Pris' to be more like Kris Jenner. She is also still trying to hide the fact that Minnie is...adopted.
Now you're familiar with the Kenner/Kardash household (and Leezy)
What started as an idea Paris and I had while laughing, turned into a real project and I'm freaking stoked about it! It's amazing to see my weird ideas come to life and having talented people acting it all out.
Okay so aside from these beautiful wonderful actors you see here, I'd like to name other people who are a huge part of this project but go unseen: Matthew Cooke & Ca$hley Song.
I've already received so much support for this project and I wanna say thank yooouuuu to everyone who is already following us on Twitter, spreading the word, etc!! You guys rock!!! I hope you laugh as much watching it as we did making it. <3 Kim K really seems to like it, but no big deal.
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